To register for My Account for Individuals
You will need your Social Insurance Number, date of birth, current postal code, and most current Notice of Assessment.
Go to MyAccount/Individual and scroll down and select the appropriate sign-in method.
- If you have an online account with one of the login partners, you can select the sign-in partner and enter your information for that site. You will automatically be signed in to your CRA account.
- If you do not have an account with a sign-in partner then go to Option 2 and select CRA register.
- Follow the prompts using the information above.
- Note your CRA security code.
- Go back to the link above, scroll down and select CRA Login and follow the prompts.
- When you have access to your account you will be able to make changes to your account and apply for certain benefits.
To register for My Business Account
You will need your Social Insurance Number, date of birth, current postal code, 2018 Personal Notice of Assessment.
Go to MyAccount/Business and scroll down and select the appropriate sign-in method.
- If using a Sign-In Partner, select the Sign-In Partner button and chose the appropriate partner. You will be redirected to that partners sign-in page and once the correct information is entered it will redirect you back to the CRA account.
- If you have a CRA Account you can log in by going to option 2, select CRA Login and follow the prompts.
- Click on Business Profile under the business name.
- On the left hand side you can see a Direct Deposit area. Click Manage Direct Deposit.
- Follow prompts to set up direct deposit, confirm ‘I agree’ and then check ‘Select all program accounts.’
- Enter your bank account information.
- Finish the process.
Instructions and questions for CRA My Account for Individuals and My Business Account can be found online at