Dear Valued Clients,

You are being asked to fill out our Client Intake Form so that we may capture any changes and/or updates to your personal information, and to quickly note if any of the


apply to your 2023 tax return.

Please submit this form for all taxpayers in your household and fill in all applicable information.

Below is a general list of the federal and provincial tax penalties/credits that have been added, changed or expanded and we ask that you take a few minutes (by following the links provided on the website) to check them out in more detail.
  1. New trust reporting requirements for T3 returns filed for tax years ending after December 30, 2023. Click HERE for more details.
  2. Multigenerational Home Renovation Tax Credit
  3. First Home Savings Account (FHSA)

We look forward to serving and seeing you again!

Many Blessings,

The Hendriks Team